artwork for wall

Measure Correctly and Find The Perfect Size of Artwork For Your Wall

You know what style of artwork you want for your wall, but it is also important to measure the right size and shape accurately. The correct size of artwork can anchor the room while the wrong size may make it look like an afterthought.

While looking for an exquisite piece of artwork, consider buying one from Lana Zueva who is an experienced oil painting artist from Russia but residing in Australia. Lana Zueva Paintings collections include still life, portraits, landscapes, animals, and flora that comprise crucial elements like light, perspective, atmosphere, and natural beauty.

Lana’s Launly Seagull on the Beach painting represents landscape art that depicts a realistic image with no filters. She accepts any kind of art commission that include different sizes of her repeat paintings. Lana has been awarded for her portrait “Sunny Bunny” while competing in Gold Coast Show 2021.

For putting up Lana’s paintings on the wall, find the perfect fit to get the right size for your wall.


  • Fill around two-thirds to three-fourth of your wall space
  • Keep it smaller than your headboard if you will be hanging the artwork above the furniture
  • Buy large sized artwork if you do not have the measurements so that it stands out and complements your space

The shape of the wall

  • If you have a vertical space then go for a vertical or portrait framework to create a sense of height and openness
  • For filling up huge blank wall space, go for horizontal or landscape artwork.

Placing the artwork

Give some breathing space to your room if you are hanging the artwork above a couch, fireplace, headboard, or any furniture. Hang the artwork about 4 to 12 inches above a piece of furniture.

Multiple works

You can hang multiple pieces of artwork as a grid. This is called a salon wall, influenced by French art competitions. Choosing artworks from different painting artists will add visual value to your decor.

  • Larger artwork can be hung two or three inches apart
  • Smaller pieces can be ½ to 2 inches apart

Once you have sorted the placing of artwork the next step is measuring your artwork for framing.

Measuring properly

Measure the width and height of your art along with the thickness.

  • For artwork with a thickness of more than one-fourth inch, look for a frame used for wrapping canvas and 3D images.
  • If the thickness is less than ¼ inches then go for a standard frame.
  • The standard format for denoting size is always first the width and then the height or

W x H

Few things to remember while measuring for framework:

  • If your art has a border that you do not want to be shown in your final frame then cover it with adding matting
  • Always consider the orientation to ensure your measurements are in Width x Height format
  • Width measurement is more for landscape artwork
  • Height measurement is more for portrait artwork
  • Go for shadow boxes if your artwork is thicker than ¼ inches

Getting the perfect size of framed artwork enhances the beauty of your blank wall space and gives you the feeling of satisfaction.

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